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00012英语(一)自考串讲资料(Unit 13)

2013-04-28 19:58来源:重庆自考网
 Unit 13
  Text A                    Insurance
  1. Be interested in  对什么感兴趣/动词词组
  2. Feel disturbed by  被什么打扰/动词词组
  3. Be eager to do sth.  渴望做某事
  4. Be of help=helpful  有帮助的
  5. On guard  警惕/介词词组
  6. In effect  事实上
  7. Pay for sth.  为某物付款/动词词组
  8. Sth. reminds sb. that+从句  某事使某人想起
  9. Depend on sb./sth.  依赖某人或某事/动词词组
  10. Look sth. in the face  正视某事/动词词组
  1. Enjoy后面必须接动词的doing形式,如:enjoy visiting sb.
  2. Our rational minds recognize the many unfortunate events that can occur,but in our hearts we hope that wee might be spared.(容易出翻译句)
  3. Yet these three reasons for not discussing(动名词作介词后的宾语,否定词应该放在动名词前面)insurance provide three excellent reasons why we should learn more about it.
  4. Neither should we depend entirely on the agent when we buy insurance.(本句话为倒装句,因为否定词neither被放在句首,这种倒装句的语序是neither+助动词+主语+动词的适当形式+其他)
  5. Although insurance can be complex,its basic concepts are neither difficult nor impossible to learn.
  Text B       What Is Money and What Are Its Functions?
  1. Be familiar with  与什么事情很熟悉/形容词词组
  2. Search for  搜索/动词词组
  3. Be accepted as  被接受成为/动词词组
  4. Serve as a standard to sth.  作为衡量什么的标准
  5. Sth. is 钱's worth to sb.  某物对某人来说多少
  6. Respond to sth.  反映某事
  7. In terms of sth.  就什么而言
  8. Be conscious of  意识到
  9. Be converted to  被转换成/动词词组
  10. ociate with  把什么和什么相连
  1. Deferred payment  延期付款;accepted medium 可接受的;工人的中介
  2. Convenient  方便的;inconvenient  不方便的
  3. Purchasing power  购买力
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