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00012英语(一)自考串讲资料(Unit 17)

2013-04-28 19:59来源:重庆自考网
Unit 17
  Text A   Panic and Its Effects
  1. Be diagnosed as  被诊断为
  2. Bear similarity to sb./sth.  与什么很相似
  3. As to sb./sth  有关于某人或某事
  4. At least  至少
  5. Become isolated from  与什么相隔立
  6. Advice to sb.  给某人的建议
  7. Consult sb. for sth.  咨询某人某事
  8. Rule out  排出
  9. Seek help  寻求帮助
  1. One afternoon while she was preparing(从one afternoon 可以判断出是过去时;从连词while可以判断出是进行时态,所以为过去进行时)dinner in her kitchen,Anne Peters,a 32-year-old(有连字符时不能加复数)housewife,suddenly had severe pains in her chest accompanied(过去分词做后置定语,表被动,是伴随的意思)by shortness of breath.
  2. Frightened(由于此处表示主语Anne自己的情感,所以使用frighten的过去分词frightened) by the thought that she was having a heart attack, Anne screamed for help.
  3. Uneasy(心神不安的,不舒服的)-easy
  4. They often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations where(定语从句中缺少地点状语) people normally would not be afraid.
  5. Many claim that psychological stress could be a logical cause, but as yet, no evidence has been found(完成时的被动语态) to support this theory.
  6. It is reported that+从句  据报道;it is generally agreed that+从句  大家认为
  7. Danger (n.危险)-endanger(v.使危险)
  Text B  Sleepwalking——Fact or Fancy?
  1. Commit murder  谋杀
  2. Search for sth.  寻找
  3. Wake(过去是为woke)up  醒来/唤醒
  4. Have the habit of doing sth.  有做某事的习惯
  5. Border on  近似于;称得上
  6. Have inhibitions against  抑制
  7. In general  通常说来
  8. Be exaggerated in  在什么方面很夸张
  9. More or less  多多少少/几乎
  10. Become alarmed about  小心,留意
  1. Endless  无穷无尽的
  2. Persons have been said/reported/known to do sth.  据说人们曾经做过…
  3. Lost boy  迷路的小男孩
  4. Sleepwalking(动名词作主语) is a scientific reality.
  5. What(主语从句中缺少主语指事用waht) is certain about sleepwalking is that it is a symptom of emotional disturbance.
  6. Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more(common的比较级是more common,much放在比较级前用来强调) common than is generally supposed.医生说梦游要比原来人们认为的更为普通。
  7. Publicized 出版的
  8. 形容词或副词+enough to do sth.  到了某种程度以至于做某事
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