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00012英语(一)自考串讲资料(Unit 19)

2013-04-28 20:00来源:重庆自考网
Unit 19
  Text A   Animals at Risk: Who Cares?
  1. Keep pace with  跟上步伐
  2. Compete with  与谁竞争
  3. Threat to sb./sth.  对某人或某事构成威胁
  4. Be claim to be  声称
  5. Be concerned about  对什么感到很担心
  6. Look after  照顾
  7. Be armed with  装备
  1. An animal species becomes(虽然species是以s结尾,但此处该词跟在冠次an后,还是单数,所以谓语become用了单数) extinct when it fails to produce enough young in each generation to keep pace with the death rate.
  2. Better-adapted  更能适应环境的
  3. A number of examples can be given of the way in which(定于从句之所以用in which,是因为in the way表示以某种方式) natural environments are being rapidly changed.
  4. Likelihood  可能性
  5. Because表示因为是连词,后面应该接句子;because of 表示因为是介词短语,后加名词或代词。
  6. Provided(that)+从句,表示如果
  7. There is great pleasure in watching wildlife in natural or near-natural environments.
  Text B   The killer Smogs
  1. Be filled with  充满
  2. Be caused by  由什么引起的
  3. Turn into  转变成
  4. Combine sth./sb. with   把什么结合在一起
  5. Be blown away  被吹走
  6. Be due to sb./sth./doing sth.  因为
  7. Breath in  呼进
  1. Fog(n.雾)-foggy(adj.雾的)
  2. The first reported event  第一个被报道的事
  3. Older people with lung or heart diseases were hit(受害最重/受打击最重) hardest.
  4. Deadly  致命的
  5. Bad的最高级worst
  6. The polluted air  被污染的空气
  7. Affect(v.影响)
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