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2015-08-25 11:51来源:重庆自考网
1.Mary decided to give up her job for the(   )of her children.
A. care                                                     B. sake
C. reason                                                  D. concern
2.Watching television has its(   )as well as its advantages.
A. shortcomings                                        B. goods
C. benefits                                                D. disadvantages
3.We should take some(   )to stop the increase in crime.
A. standards                       B. measures
C. designs                      D. units
4.The tourist industry(   )greatly to the economy of that country.
A. supports                        B. benefits
C. contributes                         D. assists
5.Without tax, it would be(   )to pay the soldiers and policemen.
A. possible                        B. impossible
C. probable                        D. easy
6.We would very much(   )it if you could do us a favor.
A. associate                       B. appropriate
C. appreciate                      D. approve
7.The photo(   )me of the village where we spent our childhood.
A. reminds                      B. remembers
C. recalls                         D. relates
8.The new law will not take(   )until the beginning of next month.
A. place                           B. action
C. effect                          D. position
9.All foreign merchants were made to pay heavy(   )on the goods they sold or bought.
A. fees                            B. duties
C. prices                          D. money
10.Banks both lend money to customers who need it and also borrow money from those who have
a lot and therefore want to(   )it in the bank.
A. develop                      B. benefit
C. expand                       D. deposit
11.Get in the car. There’s enough(   )for you.
A. place                           B. seat
C. spot                            D. room
12.Scientists have(   )many new methods of increasing the world’s food supply.
A. put up with                         B. caught up with
C. brought up with                     D. come up with
13.The government of every country should(   )great importance to environment protection.
A. attach                          B. approach
C. pay                          D. spend
14.Before you can start a business, you will have to raise the necessary(   ).
A. investment                      B. savings
C. income                       D. capital
15.They covered a wide(   )of topics in the interview.
A. extent                          B. collection
C. range                           D. number
16.An economist is someone(   )knows a lot about how goods and wealth are produced and used.
A. which          B. who            C. what           D. whom
17.My mother suggested that(   ).
A. Mary does some cleaning             B. Mary do some cleaning
C. Mary did some cleaning              D. Mary is going to do some cleaning
18.Our boss didn’t think we needed(   )how important the task was.
A. to be told                      B. to tell
C. having told                         D. being told
19.(   )the widespread early use of wool and linen, cotton is the most important source of man’s clothing.
A. But                          B. Despite of
C. However                      D. Despite
20.Can you tell me(   )the railway station?
A. how can I get                   B. how can I reach
C. how I can get to                    D. how I can reach to
21.We(   )go to the movies quite frequently.
A. used to                      B. are used to
C. use to                          D. are using to
22.(   )by the police, the villagers felt they were quite safe.
A. To be protected                     B. Protecting
C. Protected                       D. Having protected
23.The police(   )respected by the people in our country.
A. is             B. have              C. has            D. are
24.Nowadays it is cheaper to throw the products away(   )repair them.
A. to                           B. than
C. than to                         D. more than
25.He(   )me yesterday, because I wasn’t there.
A. couldn’t have seen                 B. mustn’t have seen
C. couldn’t see                   D. shouldn’t have seen
26.The statue is as tall as a(   )building.
A. seven-storey                    B. seven-storeys
C. seven-stories                   D. seventh-story
27.(   )bad weather stops me, I go for a walk every day.
A. If                              B. Unless
C. Lest                            D. In case
28.Although this book is very old,(   )content is very interesting.
A. its                          B. so it
C. it is                           D. but its
29.(   )the chance, she might have become a successful business woman.
A. Giving                       B. Give
C. Given                           D. Being given
30.I haven’t decided which hotel(   ).
A. to stay                         B. to stay at
C. is to stay at                   D. is for staying
31.I don’t know what’s wrong with her today. She keeps ask me strange questions.
A              B                 C           D
32.Something has to be done to protect the wild animals on being killed.
A              B                C      D
33.The economy of that big city is basis primarily on manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade,
A                    B                    C
and government functions.
34.I can not become accustomed with the way that he solves the problem.
A                 B            C             D
35.Probable it is not true that Britain imports more goods than she exports.
A              B                  C            D
36.Foods composed of two or more ingredients must bear labels list all ingredients in the order of
A                 B                 C                    D
37.We are optimistic for the prospect of the market economy, but others have different opinions.
A      B             C              D
38.Please inform us if our rates are acceptable so as to we may prepare the policy in time.
A               B      C                        D
39.The doctor gave her some medicine to which she derived little benefit.
A              B      C              D
40.In most countries, a direct tax on persons, which is called an income tax, are used.
A         B               C      D
  The tourist trade is booming.   41   all this coming and going, you’d expect   42   understanding to develop between the nations of the world. Not a bit! Superb systems of communication by air, sea and land make it possible for us to visit each other’s countries at a moderate cost. What was once the ‘grand tour’, reserved for only the very rich, is now   43   everybody’s   44   . The package tour and chartered flights are not to be   45  . Modern travelers enjoy a level of comfort which the lords and ladies   46   grand tours in the old days couldn’t have dreamed of. But what’s the sense of this mass exchange of populations if the nations of the world   47   basically ignorant of each other?
   Many tourist organizations are directly responsible for this   48   of affairs. They deliberately   49   to protect their clients from too much contact with the local population. The modern tourist leads a cosseted (受宠的) , sheltered life. He lives at international hotels,  50   he eats his   51   food and sips his international drink while he gazes at the natives   52   a distance. Conducted tours to places of interest are carefully censored. The tourist is allowed to see only what the organizers want him to see and no more. A strict   53   makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off   54   his own; and anyway language is a   55   so he is only too happy to be protected in this way.
41.A. As             B. In         C. By         D. With
42.A. less           B. greater        C. bigger         D. smaller
43.A. within         B. in             C. for        D. of
44.A. reach          B. grip           C. catch          D. hold
45.A. sneered        B. sneered at     C. smiled         D. smiled at
46.A. at             B. on         C. in             D. to
47.A. retain         B. remain         C. maintain       D. sustain
48.A. case        B. condition      C. state          D. situation
49.A. set in         B. set out        C. set off        D. set forward
50.A. where          B. which          C. there          D. that
51.A. local          B. national       C. foreign    D. international
52.A. in             B. to             C. from           D. over
53.A. timetable      B. chart          C. schedule       D. arrangement
54.A. on             B. of         C. in             D. for
55.A. tool        B. bridge         C. help           D. barrier
Passage 1
In 1967 the consumer price index stood at 100 and it has now topped 200. Allowing for this, the average wage of workers was $104 in 1969 and $105 in April 1978. Since then with more inflation any gain in purchasing power has been wiped out and more taken away. In fact during the year of 1978, the buying power of the average paycheck has fallen by 3.4 percent. In addition to the income tax, there are usually state and county taxes, and in nearly all American communities (社区) , there is another tax that has been increasing with inflation, and it affects all purchasers.
The average American worker has not done well, but the upper-middle-class income earner has done even worse. The upper-middle-income worker has more to spend than the average worker, of course, but in buying power, not as much as he had 10 years ago.
A professional person may have seen his income tripled in the last 10 years, but even if he takes in two or three times as many dollars as he did before, he is not actually earning as much more as he may think. He may be paying four or five times as much in federal income taxes and higher state and local taxes, and if he is self-employed, he may need to set aside money for his own retirement.
The two groups of people who have done best financially are the rich and the elderly. For example, the maximum Social Security benefit was $108 in 1968 and it is $459 today, and this income is not taxable.
56.According to the writer, who have been most badly affected by the inflation?
A. All purchasers.                     B. Average workers.
C. Professionals.                  D. Upper-middle-class citizens.
57.Which of the following has been decreased during the inflation?
A. The consumer price index.
B. The purchasing power of the average paycheck.
C. Professionals’ income.
D. State and county taxes.
58.According to the passage, who may have been less affected during the inflation?
A. The rich.                       B. The poor.
C. Purchasers.                         D. Professionals.
59.In the writer’s opinion, the inflation _______.
A. had made people poorer              B. was a time of becoming rich
C. was being brought under control     D. would enforce people to save more money
60.What tax is collected from even the poorest citizen?
A. Income tax.                         B. State tax.
C. Sales tax.                      D. Social security tax.
Passage 2
Tourism creates employment. The English Tourist Board estimates that in the Lake District - a popular resort-30 percent of jobs can be directly attributed to tourism. Nationally, around 1.6 million jobs are involved in the tourist industry in Britain. These are mainly jobs in hotels, guest houses, bed and breakfast establishments and similar types of accommodation and in restaurants and cafes. Local people can therefore earn a wage through a variety of jobs: receptionists, cooks, cleaners and waiters.
Indirectly, there are other benefits to the economy since visitors spend cash in different ways. They need local people to act as couriers and drivers for trips. Farmers and fishermen may earn extra income by selling their produce to the hotels. Village shopkeepers might have to pack up if they did not get part of their income from tourists. The money tourists spend on local souvenirs or artifacts like cloth or carvings helps traditional arts and crafts industries to survive.
However, such work is often insecure because it is seasonal. Furthermore, these workers are not necessarily recruited locally. Hotel owners may bring in staff from abroad to do the better-paid and more skilled jobs, or sometimes import cheap labor to perform the more menial (下贱的) tasks. These foreigners send remittances home - out of the country. Some holiday companies operating in Africa buy little local products. Instead, they import food and drink to suit Western tastes. In Gambia, for example, 60 percent of food and 40 percent of drinks served in resorts are imported.
Tourism attracts investment. This also benefits the economy. Yet since investors may be foreigners, a large part of the income may go overseas. In Kenya, for instance, only half the amount spent on tourism remains in the country.
61.Village shopkeepers might have to _______ if they did not get part of their income from tourists.
A. put their tools away           
B. stop working
C. put all their belongings in a case
D. break down
62.Why aren’t workers necessarily recruited locally?
A. Because they are seasonal workers.
B. Because they send remittances home.
C. Because foreign workers may be employed.
D. Because foreign workers may invest in local economy.
63.Which of the following is true?
A. Hotel owners may employ cheap labor from abroad to do the better-paid jobs.
B. Hotel owners may employ local workers to do the lower-paid jobs.
C. Hotel owners may employ local workers to do the better-paid jobs.
D. Hotel owners may employ foreign workers to do the better-paid jobs.
64.In Kenya, only half the amount spent on tourism remains in the country because_______.
A. foreign investors have gone back to their countries
B. foreign investors have taken their investment away
C. income of foreign investments has gone to other countries
D. Kenya has invested in foreign countries
65.What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Tourism brings both advantages and disadvantages.
B. Tourism brings economic benefits.
C. Tourism brings more job opportunities.
D. Tourism brings economic problems.
66.put on the market
67.international trade
68.an emotional purchase
69.standardized container
70.economies of scale
76.To demonstrate competitions is to prove the absence of monopoly, and vice versa.(4分)
77.Man’s knowledge of metals has been a very important aid to mastering his environment.(4分)

