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2016-06-24 08:15来源:重庆自考网
一 Vocabulary and structure
1 Our responsibility nvolves _______ the problems of homelessness in the city.
A deal with  B to deal with
C dealing with D in dealing with
2 In terms of electronic devices, it’s easy to buy exactly _____ you need in a big city.
A that   B those
C what   D which
3 Several people were unable to _______ the meeting because of the storm.
A attend   B participate
C join   D attempt
4 We’ve _____ milk. Could you stop at the store on your way home?
A run through  B run over
C run off   D run out of
5 When the engine broke down, the boat’s crew found themselves _________ of the wind.
A at the cost   B at the mercy
C at the rate   D at the moment
6 Smith was _____ of murdering his wife, but no evidence was yet provided.
A blamed  B charged  C accused  D arrested
7 “What were you doing while all this was _______ ?” the manager demanded angrily.
A getting on    B going on   C holding on     D carrying on
8 The President was among the first to congratulate the scientist ________ his new discovery.
A at    B in   C about   D out
9 Police Chief Timothy told reporters that the police officers wounded in the rescue operation were rapidly _________.
A curing   B treating   C healing   D recovering
10 The more the customer complained, _______ and more unpleasant the manager became.
A the ruder  B more rude  C the rudest  D the rude

二 Cloze Test
According to the American Automobile Association, since 1964 all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts. Many studies of car accidents have shown that seat belts can save ___11_____. One study showed that forty perent of those ___12____ in car accidents could have been saved if they ____13____ seat belts.
Unfortunately, belts are worn only by a ____14___ percentage of drivers and passengers-about fifteen percent in cities, and only nine percent in small ___15___. And seat belts cannot protect people who do not wear them.
Advertisements have been printed ___16___ newspapers and magazines in order to make people become ___17___ of the importance of using seat belts. But these ___18___ have not helped much. Some people believe there should be a ___19___ requiring drivers and passengers to use seat belts. In Australia, ___20___ thers is such a law, deaths from car accidents have decreased by twenty-four percent since it was enforced. In China, drivers-though not passengers-are required to fasten their seat belts; otherwise they can fined as much as 200 yuan.
11 A money  B lives  C space  D room
12 A killing   B killed  C to kill  D to be killed
13 A wore  B have worn D are wearing  D had worn
14 A big  B large  C small  D little
15 A towns  B areas  C countries  D regions
16 A in  B on  C over  D by
17 A sure  B alert  C aware  D known
18 A belts  B magazines  C newspapers  D advertisements
19 A law   B rule  C method  D regulation
20 A which  B that  C when  D where

III Reading Comprehension
Passage One
Becket not only traveled light, he also lived light. In all the world he owned just the clothes he stood up in, a full suitcase and a bank account. Arriving anywhere with these possessions, he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for a single night. For long stays not less than a month, he might take a furnished flat, sometimes even a house. But whatever the case was, he rarely needed anything he did not have with him.
Becket had one occasional anxiety; he suspected that he owned more than would fit comfortably into the suitcase. Having no use for choice or variety, he kept just a raincoat, a suit, a pair of shoes, a few shirts and some socks; no more in the clothing line. He bought and read many books and left them wherever he happened to be sitting when he finished them.
Becket was a professional traveler, interested and interesting. He was not the type to “do” a country in a week or a city in three days. He liked to get the feel of a place by living in it, reading its newspapers, watching its TV and discussing its affairs. He always tried to make a few friends-if necessary even by stopping a suitable-looking person in the street and talking to him. It worked well in about one case out of ten. Though Becket’s health gave him no cause for alarm, he made a point of seeing a doctor as soon as he arrived anywhere. “A doctor knows a place and its people better than anyone, “ he used to say.
Becket was an artist as well. He painted pictures of the places he visited and , when he had gathered enough information, he wrote about them. He sold his works to newspapers and magazines. It was an agreeable sort of life for a good social mixer, and as Becket never stayed anywhere for long, he enjoyed the satisfying advantage of paying very little in taxes.

21 What do we know about Becket’s possessions?
A He carried all of them with him.
B He wanted to have more clothes.
C He left all his belongings at home.
D He carried some of them with him.
22 Becket would rent a flat when he _______.
A was to stay over a month
B could not find suitable hotels
C was to put up for several nights
D planned to stay at least for a year
23 When Becket tried to make friends with strangers in the street, _______.
A most people felt very pleased
B his attempts failed in most cases
C he preferred good-looking people
D many people stopped to talk with him
24 Judging from the passage, Becket made a living by ______.
A traveling  B social work
C painting and writing   D collecting information
25 As far as taxes were concerned, Becket probably________.
A hated to pay any taxes
B enjoyed paying very little
C traveled abroad and paid none
D felt ashamed of not paying any

Passage Two
A gray sweater hung limply (无生气地)on Tommy’s empty desk, a reminder of the miserable boy who had just followed his classmates from out third-grade room. Soon Tommy’s parents, who had recently separated, would arrive for a conference on his failing schoolwork and troublesome behaviors. Neither parent knew that I had arranged for the other to come.
Tommy, an only child, had always been happy, cooperative and an excellent student. How could I convince his parents that his recent failing grades represented a broken-hearted child’s reaction to the separation and coming divorce of the two he so dearly loved?
Tommy’s mother entered and took one of the chairs I had placed near my desk. Soon the father arrived. Good! At least they were concerned enough to be prompt. A look of surprise and impatience passed between them, and then they pointedly ignored each other.
As I gave a detailed account of Tommy’s behavior and schoolwork, I prayed for the right words to bring these two together, to help them see what they were doing to their son. But somehow the words wouldn’t come.
Then I found a crumpled (揉成一团的)tear-stained sheet stuffed in the back of Tommy’s desk. Silently I smoothed it out and gave it to Tommy’s mother. She read it and then without a word handed it to he husband. He frowned. Then his face softened. He studied the scrawled words for a long time.
At last he folded the paper carefully, placed it in his pocket, and reached for his wife’s outstretched hand. She wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled up at him. Tears welled up in my eyes, but neither seemed to notice. He helped her with her coat and they left together.
It was the sheet of yellow copy paper covered with the painful outburst of a small boy’s troubled heart that helped me. On both sides of it was single sentence written over and over again:”Dear Mom…Dear Daddy…I love you…I love you…I love you.”

26 The writer of the passage was Tommy’s ______.
A parent    B teacher   C classmate   D schoolmaster
27 The writer believed that in the past Tommy had been ______.
A a careless and impossible son
B a flexible and cooperative child
C a cheerful and outstanding student
D a disrespectful and aggressive boy
28 In the writer’s opinion, the gray sweater hanging limply on the desk is a sign of Tommy’s _____.
A low spirits
B failing schoolwork
C inactive personality
D troublesome behaviors
29 Before Tommy’s parents arrived, the writer ______.
A knew they would soon reunite
B was sure that they would come
C decided to show them the tear-stained paper
D had found out the cause of Tommy’s misery
30 The writer regarded the changes in Tommy’s school performance as the result of his parents’ ____.
A divorce
B separation
C neglectfulness
D soft-heartedness

Passage Three
The modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radios, televisions and telephones that it is hard to imagine what lift would be like without them. When there is a power failure, people grope about in the dark, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them and food spoils in silent refrigerators.
Yet, people began to understand how electricity works only a little more than two centuries ago. Nature has apparently been experimenting in this field for millions of years. Scientists are discovering that the living world may hold many interesting secrets of electricity that could benefit humanity.
All living cells send out tiny pulses of electricity. As the heart beats, it sends out electric pulses. They form an electrocardiogram (心电图), which a doctor can sstudy to determine how well the heart is working. The brain , too, sends out brain waves of electricity, which can be recorded in electroencephalogram(脑电图). The electric currents produced by most living cells are extremely small-often so small that sensitive instruments are needed to record them. But in some animals, certain muscle cells have become so specialized in producing electricity that they do not work as muscle cells any more. When large numbers of these cells are linked together, the effects can be astonishing.
The electric eel-a long thin fish with slippery skin-can produce amazingly strong electricity. It can send an electric current as high as eight hundred volts through the water in which it lives. As many as four-fifths of all the cells in the electric eel’s body are capable of producing electricity, and the strength of the shock depends on the length of its body.

31 The phrase “grope about” (line 3, para. 1) could be replaced by ____.
A feel about   B move about  C walk away    D run away
32 When talking about power failures, the author mentions problems related to _____.
A radios and televisions
B cars and telephones
C radios and telephones
D refrigerators and traffic lights
33 The author mentions electric eels  ______.
A to warn the reader to stay away from them
B to describe a new source of electrical power
C as an example of electrically charged dangerous animals
D as an example of animals capable of producing electricity
34 Electric pulses of the eel are produced by its _____.
A skin    B heart   C brain   D cells
35 The strength of the eel’s electric shock has to do with ____.
A the eel’s age
B the eel’s weight
C how long the eel is
D the water it lives in

IV Word Spelling
36. 肺 n. l_ _ _
37 批准,造成n. a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
38 使混乱,混淆 v. c _ _ _ _ _ _
39 而且,此外 adv. M _ _ _ _ _ _ _
40 全体人员 n. s _ _ _ _
41 面部的 adj. f _ _ _ _ _
42 全部地;完全地 adv. e _ _ _ _ _ _ _
43 破坏;毁灭 v. d _ _ _ _ _ _
44播送,发送 v. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _
45 占领;使从事 v. o _ _ _ _ _
46 对比,对照 n.v.  c _ _ _ _ _ _ _
47 像,形象,图像 n. i _ _ _ _
48 相互作用 v. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _
49 成年人;成年的 n. adj. a _ _ _ _
50 明显的,显著的 adj. m _ _ _ _ _
51 业余爱好 n. h _ _ _ _
52 方针;政策 n. p _ _ _ _ _
53 现今,现在 adv. n _ _ _ _ _ _ _
54 躲避处;遮蔽 n.v. s _ _ _ _ _ _
55 习惯;风俗 n. c _ _ _ _ _

V Word Form
56. At that time the aircraft was flying at a ____(high) of 10,000 meters.
57. Children have a natural ______(curious about the world around them.
58 It is difficult to teach history to five-year-old children in a _____(meaning) way.
59 Shadows began to _______(length) as the sun sank in the west.
60 The interest is paid ____(year) or, if you prefer, every six months.
61. All the evidence pointed to the _______(conclude) that he was guilty.
62 Lots of computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are _____ (efficient).
63 There are only a ________(limit) number of tickets available for the concert.
64 Whether or not there is life on any of these planets remains ____(known).
65 These scissors are ______(use); they don’t even cut paper.

VI Translation from Chinese into English
66 他的销售计划尚未得到经理批准。
67 现实生活比我们想象的要复杂得多。
68 在这个问题上,很难找到观点与你相同的人。
69 研究表明大量喝酒的人得心脏病的可能性更大。
70 要是我们再仔细一点,这种错误是可以避免的。

VII Translation from English into Chinese
Pop stars today enjoy a living once enjoyed only by members of royal(皇室的)families. Wherever they go, people turn out in thousands to greet them. The crowds go wild for a sight of these smiling, colorfully-dressed stars. Their photographs appear frequently in the press and all their comings and goings are reported just like news about kings or queens. Certainly, pop stars share many of the inconveniences of royal members as well. It is dangerous for them to make unplanned appearances in public. They must also be constantly protected from their admirers. They are no longer private individuals, but public figures important in modern society.


