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2016-06-30 16:47来源:重庆自考网
英语(二)  试题

I.    Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 
1. The lady_______little importance to the differences in their ages.
   A. attacked        B. attached
   C. attracted        D. attended
2. Her face hadn't________much over the years.
   A. varied             B. transferred
   C. ranged             D. altered
3. Does he have enough_________to manage this ever-changing situation?
    A. profitability        B. disability
    C. flexibility         D. possibility
4. The young man is extremely_______ to get married in haste.
    A. reluctant         B. resistant
    C. insistent        D. consistent
5. The government is determined to put an end_______the embarrassing situation.
   A. from             B. to
   C. in                D. with
6. She fulfilled her___________of conquering Mt. Qomolangman.
   A. ambition        B. adoption
C. condition         D. conception
7. Tom has a great_________of hobbies: he likes swimming, singing and painting.
A. density            B. quality
C. entity            D. variety
8. The traffic was___________for more than thirty minutes, which made me late for class.
A. broken up        B. called up
C. made up        D. held up
9. Hunting as well as conversing with friends is his greatest________
A. involvement        B. engagement
C. enjoyment        D. disappointment
10. We should gradually reduce our country's__________on imported oil.
A. dependence         B. production
C. exportation        D. refinement

II.    Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item)
In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment.
There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be  ___11_______
     Today things are  ___12_____ and the world has become too crowded. We are   13   our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are polluting our environment   14   dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on the earth will not   15
     People realize today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none   16  . Yet, with modem fishing methods, more and more fish are caught. We know that   17   too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and   18   will grow on the land. Yet, we use bigger and more powerful   19  to cut down more and more trees.
     We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, fish  20  die.
However, in most countries wastes are still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are
few laws to stop this.
11. A. unlawful        B. unlimited        C. unjustified        D. unlikely
12. A. different        B. similar            C. indifferent        D. familiar
13. A. turning out        B. calling off        C. using up        D. running over
14. A. by                B. through        C. in                D. with
15. A. survive            B. live            C.. reserve        D. relieve
16. A. to leave            B. leave             C.leaving            D. left
17.A.if                B. whether        C. because        D.although
18. A. anything        B. something        C. nothing        D.everything
19. A. devices            B. machines        C. instruments     D. means
20. A. can            B. should            C. will            D. shall
III. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each item)
Passage One,
Questions 21 to,25 are based on the following passage.
     The term birdbrain is considered an offensive word, but some birds actually are
pretty clever. One African grey parrot in suburban Boston is said to have the cognitive
abilities of a five-year-old child. According to the study of Avian Learning Experiment,
Alex is a 29-year-old bird that's been trained most of his life by Irene Pepperberg, Ph. D,
a Harvard-educated professor now teaching at Brandeis University. Alex can identify 50
different objects, seven colors, five shapes, and the concepts of bigger, smaller, same
and different. And Pepperberg says, "Alex also knew what was appropriate to say."
     Pepperberg insists that Alex makes reasoned decisions--meaning he possesses
language abilities once thought to separate humans from the rest of the animal kingdom.
During an experiment in 2004, researchers gave Alex different-colored blocks in sets of
two, three and six. When asked which color group had five blocks, Alex replied,
"None" .And he repeated the answer in duplicate tests. although Alex had previously
learned the term to describe the difference between two identically sized objects, he
apparently interpreted the concept of "none" as an absence of quantity all on his own.
     "The important thing was not just that he understood a zero-like, cancel" says
Pepperberg, "but that he was able to take information from one area and apply it to
another. That's a lot like a high school student answering questions on a quiz show."
     What Alex has achieved makes him outstanding. If you Google his name plus
African grey parrot, you'll get 207,000 hits, almost as many as another knowledgeable
21. It is said that an African grey parrot in Boston is___________
     A. as smart as a 29-year-old person
     B. as clever as a five-year-old child
     C. as bright as a high school student
     D. as intelligent as a Harvard professor
22. The passage implies that Alex has no concept of
     A. weight        B. color      C. shape      D. size
23. In Pepperberg's eyes, Alex has the same ability to________ as a human being.
     A. build blocks                 B. use language
     C. increase sizes                D. describe shapes
24. Pepperberg thinks that Alex is different because he could___________
     A. understand nothing about numbers
     B. collect information to help Pepperberg
     C. answer questions for a high-school student
     D. apply what he has learned to another field
25. Alex is well-known because he is_____________
     A. an African grey parrot
     B. highly focused on the net
     C. as knowledgeable as Jeopardy
     D. a favorite bird of Pepperberg's
Passage Two
  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.
      I heard the noise first. A car, obviously out of control, was running straight toward
me and my four-year-old son as we stood on the sidewalk waiting to cross the street.
There was no time to do anything; it all happened in a second.
      The vision of that big black car hitting the sidewalk a few feet from us will never be
erased from my memory. I don't know how close the car came to us, because I turned
away at the last second, but it was close. People stopped their cars and asked if we were
      "It didn't hit us," I remember saying. Then I bent down and hugged my son.
      "Mom,  that car nearly hit us,"  Scott said brightly,  still holding  the
construction-paper cat he'd made at school. He has no idea what a ton of metal going 50
m.p.h, can do to 39 pounds of  a little boy. Much of his world view comes from cartoons,
especially Spider-Man, who he believes can fly down to help anyone out of danger.
    I found myself walking to the car. A woman of about 60 sat inside, still holding the
steering wheel. "Are you all right. I asked her. Translation: Did you just have a heart
attack? Why did you just try to kill me and my little boy?
    "Someone cut me off,"she started, lnterrupting  her, I said we'd both better say our
prayers that night. I didn't begin to get angry until later.
    The woman who nearly killed us was in.a hurry. Very likely she was speeding to
make the next traffic light at the crossroads. The driver she said cut her off was probably
in a hurry, too, trying to turn into traffic.
    Nor am I blameless. We had stopped on the sidewalk because I wanted to shave two
minutes off my busy day by running across the street rather than walking the half block
to the light at the crossroads. Instead, I nearly shaved off two lives.
     Just a week before, !. had returned from a trip to Japan, flying almost 60,000 miles
in six different planes. They. makes six takeoffs and landings, 12 opportunities be the
top story on the nightly news. To think I'd survived 16,000 miles of air flight, only to be
almost killed three blocks from home.
     Today I resolve to slow down and  think about the spring, the flowers and our
children our innocents, our contracts with the future.
26. The boy in the passage did not realize__________.
     A. a car was passing by
     B. danger was close to him
     C. the Spider-man was nearby
     D. a car was hitting the sidewalk
27. The mother was very angry___________.
      A. in the accident
      B. till the accident
      C. later after the accident
      D. throughout the accident
28. The passage indicates that___________
      A. the mother should be held partially responsible for the accident
      B. the woman should be held wholly responsible for the accident
      C. the mother should be held solely responsible for the accident
      D.the  woman driver should be held fully responsible for the accident
29.he accident occurred __________away from the author's home.
A. fifty miles  B. a few feet      C. a half block    D. three blocks
30.The phrase "our innocents" in the last paragraph most probably refers to_______.
A. the spring     B. the future      C. the children    D. the flowers
Passage Three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.
     Darwin's great work, The Origin of Species, is now generally accepted as one of
the most important books ever written. But when it first came out in 1859, it was
bitterly criticized by scientists and laymen.
      Much of the oppositions to The Origin of Species arose from Darwin's claim that
all living creatures, including man, are somehow related. Many people were outraged by
the suggestion that man shared a common ancestor with animals such as apes and                                                                                                                                                                                               monkeys. They attacked Darwin for saying that man has descended from the apes.
     But Darwin never actually said this. He believed that modern men and modern
apes have both descended from the same ancestor. But at some time in pre-history,
millions of years ago, men and apes began to develop separately, and ever since have
continued to take on different characteristics, Today, more than 90 years after Darwin's
death, this is the opinion which scientists continue to hold.
     In his works, Darwin described the possession of life from its earliest forms. First
came the invertebrates--creatures without a backbone. The invertebrates evolved into
fish; fish into amphibians; amphibians into reptiles, and reptiles into birds and
     Fossil remains found after his death show that Darwin was right. Perhaps the most
amazing fact about his theory is that he managed to work it out with the aid of only a
few fossil discoveries. Fossil remains were not the only information which we now
possess but Darwin lacked. He did not know that apes have the same diseases as men;
nor that they and men have the same kind of blood. Nor did he know about the modem
uses of radiation which enable scientists to tell the age of fossil remains and so estimate
the speed at which evolution has taken place.
    Lacking all this information, Darwin had to rely on other branches of science. One
of them was comparative anatomy (解剖学): the science which compares the physical
make-up of different species. He observed that all vertebrates--amphibians, reptiles,
birds and mammals--possess forelimbs which are basically the same. The limbs may be
used for swimming, flying, or walking, but they are all built on the same plan. They
contain one bone in the upper arm, two bones in the forearm, several bones in the wrist,
and five bones in the hand with finger joints attached.
     Darwin marveled  at  this similarity between such widely differing species. "What
can be more curious," he asked, "than the fact that the hand or a man formed for
grasping, that of a mole for digging, the leg of a horse, and the wings of a bat, should all
be constructed on the same pattern?, From-the extraordinary fact, he drew the correct
conclusion that different species share the same characteristics because they are
descended from the same ancestor. Then, they took on the separate characteristics which
helped them most in the straggle to survive in their own local environments.
31. Darwin was bitterly criticized by scientists and laymen because of________.
     A. his close observation of fossils
     B. his lack of convincing evidence
     C. their oppositions to his research
     D. their misunderstanding of his theory
32. Darwin's theory was created based on________.
     A. a few fossil remains
     B. a large body of fossil remains
     C. a lot of help from his ancestor
     D. a great deal of reference materials
33. Darwin tried to prove his theory with the help of__________.
     A. blood types
     B. evolution speed
     C. modem medicine
     D. comparative anatomy
34. According to anatomy, there are two bones___________.
     A. in the left arm
     B. in the fight arm
     C. in the lower arm
     D. in the upper arm
35. According to Darwin, different species are descended__________.
     A, in the different pattern
     B. from the same ancestor
     C. in the same environment
     D. with separate characteristics
PART    TWO    (50 POINTS)
III.    Word Spelling (10 points, I point for two items)
36.地带,地区n.z____  ___  ____
37.值得的,有价值的a.W____  ____  ___  ____  ____  
38.美德;优点n.v____   ____  ____  ____  _____
39.着手做;承担vt.U___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___ ___
40.透明的,显然的a.t_  __  __  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ____  ___
41.支撑;供养vt.S___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  
42.有目的的,蓄意的a.p__  ___  ___   ___  ____  ___  _____  __  ____
43.胡乱的,任意的a.r___  ___  ___  ___  ___
44.结果,结局n.o ___  ___  ___  ___  ___ 
45.氧n.o___  ___  ___  ___  ___
46.垄断,专卖v.m___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
47.闪电n.l___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
48.法官,审判员n.j___  ___  ___  ___  
49.想要,意指Vt.I___  ___  ___  ___  ___
50.习惯性的a.h___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
51.几何,几何学n.g___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___ 
52.友好的,友谊的a.f___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
53.展览(会)n.e___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
54.剧本,戏剧n.d___  ___  ___  ___ 
55.掩蔽,庇护vt.S___  ___  ___  ___  ____
V. Word Form (10 points, I point for each item)
56. After__________ (repeat) attempts they finally succeeded.
57. This novel is reported ___________(transtate)  into Chinese already.
58. If she hadn't taken some medicine this morning, her headache would be_________
59. The scientist has devoted his whole life to__________(help) the poor.
60. They have the work__________(do) before tomorrow.
61. He lives in the same city with his brother, but they only see each other very__________
62. It is_________(use) to know the answer to such a silly question.
63. If he put ___________(he) in his parents' place, he would know why they were so
64. The young __________(politics) took over the leadership of the party.
65. In your daydream, picture yourself as a ___________(win) not as a loser.
VI. Translation from Chinese into English (IS points, 3 points for each item)
VII. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points)
There are two ways in which one can own a book. One is establishing the property
right by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes or furniture. But this act of purchase is
only the beginning of possession. The other is acquiring the full ownership, which
comes only when you have made it part of yourself, and the best way to make it part of
yourself is by writing on it. An illustration may make the point clear. You buy a
beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's (肉铺) icebox to your own. But you do not
own the beefsteak in the most important sense until you consume it and get it into your
bloodstream. I am arguing that books, too, must be absorbed in your bloodstream to do
you any good.


