1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B
11. A 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. C
16. most-favored nation treatment 17. entrepreneurship
18. per capital income 19. trade sanctions
20. capital market 21. headquarters
22. securities 23. wholesaler
24. market forces 25. fledgling industries
26. 赠券 27. 财政一揽子方案
28. 有形贸易 29. 国内生产总值
30. 贸易差额 31. 反补贴税
32. 消费品 33. 出口配额制
34. 可兑换货币 35. 期货
Passage 1
36. to set limits, to set a limit on what one is willing to do.
37. Get through the recession by exporting.
38. Surpassing, going beyond, exceeding.
Passage 2
39. promote sales by means of various price reduction
40. The symbiotic aspect of their relationship is their interdependence on each other in business-without the syrup maker’s supply, the bottles would have nothing to sell, and without the collaboration of the bottlers, the syrup makers would have no access to the market.
41. As sometimes their interests conflict with each other, the bottlers would become fractious to the syrup makers.
42. T 43. F 44. F 45. F 46. T
47. F 48. T 49. F 50. F 51. F
52. 对许多发展中国家来说,这种趋势不仅令人困惑而且还非常令人担忧-对他们来说贸易条件已经明显恶化。相反对于工业化国家来说,初级商品价格的下跌却是医治通货膨胀的一剂良药。对初级商品价格普遍降低的解释是复杂的,造成这种现象的因素因初级商品的不同而有很大不同。比如说,虽然下跌的油价应会刺激西方经济的增长-并因此间接地刺激对其他初级商品的需求-而这样的油价也一定会有其他的也许并不那么有益的副作用。